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Where Will You Be in Five Years?

April 17, 2010

Where can you see yourself in five years? That’s the question people keep asking me, and the truth is I have no idea. I can’t see myself in five years, and I have no idea what I’m doing with the next four years. This is definitely one of the most difficult decisions I’ve made, and I can see a different “version” of myself at every one of my college options.


With that being said, I love Cornell. Seriously, it’s foodie heaven. Ithaca has the largest number of restaurants per resident in the country and the Cornell dining halls are unbelievable!! There is so much to choose from, and they even have healthy, local options. The education is great too. 😉


Every time I revisit the issue in my brain I come out with a different decision. There are so many “pros” to each college and not many “cons”, which makes it quite difficult. Maybe I’m just a positive person? 😉


I’ve spent some time  exploring the Cornell campus, libraries and facilities for the past few days and they’re really impressive!

On the other hand, Clemson was the first campus I visited so I have some emotional attachment. Their Food Science program is wonderful. I have no idea what to do, I don’t know what “feels right for me” and I don’t know “where I’ll be happiest”.

Hopefully I can e-mail some professors and find answers to a few of my questions. That should help clarify things…some what.

On to food.

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Today I had the best lunch ever: two slices of whole wheat sunflower seed bread toast (from West Village Market). One had tahini and raspberry jam and one had a runny egg, Farmers’ Market garlic powder and paprika. On the side I has some broiled baby kale (form the Farmers’ Market) and a Pom Wonderful mocktail, a la KERF.

Saratoga water is the best carbonated water ever, (it’s also ridiculously priced; around $3/bottle) but I had some for a festival I volunteered for. It was perfect for the fizz in my drink!

The Pom juice is wonderful- It’s 100% pomegranate juice, it’s tasty and sweet. I loved it and I can’t wait to cook oatmeal with it! I bet it would also be wonderful in muffins or as the liquid in bread. I’ll have to do some research to see how pomegranate interacts with yeast!


You still have a little while longer to enter the give-uh-way!

23 Comments leave one →
  1. April 17, 2010 1:21 am

    Good luck with the decision! I think in a lot of ways I was lucky to get admitted early decision when I really didn’t know what I wanted to do, because it forced me to decide

  2. April 17, 2010 2:11 am

    The beauty of it is that you don’t NEED to know where you’ll be (well, aside from making the college decision ;)) in 5 years – it will all work out. I never thought I’d be where I am now!

  3. April 17, 2010 2:22 am

    Ask me if I would be where I am now a few years ago..and I would have laughed…impossible…I am struggling to find a job, I hate my field of profession, I have less than 2 weeks to move to a new place and have no idea where, and not sure if I can even pay the rent….I am no longer physically active…and I am a mess.

    Yeah, things change. Live in the moment or u will drive yourself nuts..
    You have AMAZING opportunities, and I know choices can be agonizing, so try not to worry on it too much. It is what it is. It will be what it will be. Even if you have to say “eeny meeny miney moe” 🙂

    Nice lunch.

  4. April 17, 2010 3:18 am

    MMMM the mocktail looks great!

  5. April 17, 2010 3:38 am

    Good luck making your decision!! 🙂

    I love making POM mocktails, so tasty!! 🙂

  6. April 17, 2010 5:24 am

    Nothing like an egg/toast combo, and this sunflower seed bread you keep mentioning sounds so yummy. Enjoy a slice for me please. 🙂

    Best of luck with your college decision Mae – you’ve got a tough one, but how amazing that you have so many top notch schools to choose from. Everything will work out for the best. Cornell is amazing, and personally, I liked being within driving distance of home. I missed it more than I thought I would!

  7. April 17, 2010 5:49 am

    That looks like the best lunch anyone has eaten! YUM! I love all of the things upon that plate. Well done with your food choices for the day! Now you just have to choose a school.

    Good luck, lady!

  8. Katherine: What About Summer? permalink
    April 17, 2010 6:40 am

    Good luck with the decision! don’t stress over it too much- I know it is a huge deal but nothing is 100% permanent

  9. April 17, 2010 9:30 am

    Ithaca also has the greatest number of bookstores per capita in NY state. Plus, a free laundry room and big kitchen for you to use less than 1 mile off campus… 😉

    Seriously though, good luck with the decision. While I would really love to live near you in Ithaca, go with what feels best to YOU, because you are going to be there for 4+ years.

  10. April 17, 2010 7:05 pm

    ohhh your dilemma sounds so familiar! i remember stressing about where to go to college so much around this time my senior year. i didn’t decide where to go until literally the day before we had to send in our letters to accept our admission. i ended up choosing UGA, which is where about 100 other kids from my high school go every year. i wanted so badly to go somewhere random and different and oh-so-exotic sounding “out of state.” having never lived anywhere else, i really wanted to leave Georgia! in the end, it was between UGA and Furman, where my best friend was going. but at the last minute, i went with my instincts and went to UGA. (it was cheaper and had way more majors to choose from plus it seemed more fun!) i had the time of my life and can’t imagine going anywhere else! good luck!! and where ever you choose, i’m sure things will work out for the best!

  11. victoria permalink
    April 17, 2010 9:46 pm

    Oh how I will miss you Monique! I adore your website! Where do you fit the twinkies and good ‘n plenty’s in your day? Black licorice does have amazing health benefits and why…if twinkies can last forever in your pantry, just think of the amazing “preserving” benefits for your body?!? 🙂

  12. April 17, 2010 10:59 pm

    Good luck with your decision girl, that’s hard!!!!! Because really, you have no way of knowing what you’ll be doing in 5 years. I mean, 5 years from now you will probably be a different person, I know I am SO different than who I was when I graduated high school. I’d just say follow your heart… And trust your instincts.

  13. LeanGreenLiving permalink
    April 18, 2010 12:00 am

    For what it’s worth, I say “go Ivy League”. What a privilege. Congratulations!!!!! You can always live in California after college. I am doing that. My son is leaving sunny southern California to go to NYU. So see, staying in NY is not so bad. If you need a place to stay while you look at any colleges near Los Angeles, our home and kitchen is yours. You are so talented and wise!!

  14. April 18, 2010 1:49 am

    Never underestimate your gut instincts! And being close to home (from the girl living 1500 miles from her family). Good luck!

  15. April 18, 2010 6:59 am

    Good luck with your decision…I know it’s an incredibly tough one, but you will LOVE college, no matter where you end up!! I think it’s kind of fun to not know where you’ll be in five years…this is the time to live it up!!

  16. April 18, 2010 8:19 am

    Oh, I wish you tons of luck on the decision! I hate the 5 year question too! Seriously, life is not that easy. You kind of go where it takes you. Sure, you make decisions on a daily basis that can move you in one direction or the other, but seriously why would you pigeon hole yourself? You are a smart girl…I am sure you will do great no matter what you decide!

    Oh and runny eggs on toast…so good!!!

  17. healthnit permalink
    April 18, 2010 1:48 pm

    hey i just found your blog…i just want to give you some advice though on college. I am currently a 2nd year trying to transfer to poly( i got waitlisted we’ll see how things end up) but i just wanted to let you know…go with what your gut tells you. I left for school my senior year to go play waterpolo for a school i wasn’t too sure of. My gut was telling me other wise but i just chose that school because of certain pressures and it was the easiest decision and i wouldnt have to face my own choice. I wouldn’t change that decision for the world, but I want to do nutrition so I moved home this year and working on transferring… all im trying to say with this college mumbo jumbo is that don’t listen to what other people are telling you, listen to your heart and the little voice in your head and everything will be fine 🙂 love your blog by the way!

  18. April 21, 2010 11:29 pm

    Even at 26 I still have no idea of where I will be in 5 years!

    As for the college decision, I only applied to one school, so I didn’t have to make the decision, but I imagine somewhere deep down you might be leaning in a certain direction. Gut instincts are a powerful thing and will rarely lead you astray! Good luck, and regardless of where you end up cherish every moment of your college experience!


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